Thursday, October 23, 2008

Today I told a friend that I had nothing interesting enough to blog about, which is exactly why I started a blog. Perhaps I will use this space and time to ramble on about all the strange things in life that never get mentioned. For example, last weekend, I stayed in a hotel that didn't have an elevator. (Weird, I know.) It was built in 1984. Were there no elevators in 1984? (That's a joke.) Also, I find it fascinating how many shoes I see on the side of the road. (Note: not pairs of shoes, but single shoes.) How does one lose just one shoe? Hhmph. I'll probably be the only person to ever read this blog (does blogging allow us to assert our self-importance and vanity through anonymous words on the internet?), but that's okay with me. Unlike a hotel with no elevators.


Kelley said...

yay! I'm so happy you're blogging! I can't wait to read all the random thoughts of E-Less! yay!! You are cool, you little blogger you!

Kelley said...

oh and I love the picture of you and Chloe- who took that? it's awesome!! oh wait- I DID! then I'M awesome! yay!

Anonymous said...

i'm still waiting for the new blog and updates of everything i missed while i was gone since we couldn't talk everyday!